Shift Your Consciousness & Get Ready for Change

A Series of 3 Recorded Coaching Classes & Workbook Preparing You to Become Aware of What is in your Way, to Create the Shift You Desire


Prepare Yourself to Create the Shift You Desire

Get instant access to 3 pre-recorded videos (training series) from real group classes. Watch in your own time.

INCLUDES: Lessons, group discussion. intuitive exercises to tune into yourself. Soul meditations.

PLUS: Full, comprehensive workbook to help you get really deep and guide your way through the process.

     Shift Your Consciousness & Ready Yourself for Change >>>

Bring the Idea of Change into Your Consciousness

Awareness is the first step to even think about change.


Discover the Fears Holding You Back

Intuit into yourself and awaken your consciousness into the blocks in your way. 


Break Free

Wake up out of what has been limiting you.


Allow Your Mindset to Propel You Forward

Be motivated and inspired to open yourself up & be ready to take steps towards change.



YOUR SOUL KNOWS YOU. Connect with your soul and go deep into yourself so that you can birth an awareness of changes you want to make and detect the fears in your way, so you can start the healing journey and more consciously move towards change.

Become open to change as a starting point to allow a shift in perspective, energy and reality to happen. Discover deeper reasons why you have been stuck and in your own way and motivation and mindset tips to get you on track. You will gain so much insight about yourself and what you need to do to clear so you can more confidently move forward towards change.


class 1: starting to think about change

• Introduction to Change
• Recognize you Need to Change
• Figure out what do you Want to Change

class 2: fear, resistance & going deep within

• What are your Fears
• Detect Fears & Resistance
• The Effects of Fears
• Avoidance Tactics
• Why the Issues Come Up

class 3: motivation & mindset to make a change

• Address your Fears & Resistance
• Break Free from your own Limitations
• Solve your Limiting Beliefs
• Be Open to Change
• A Run Down of Release Methods
• Motivation & Mindset
• The Steps to Implement Change

Unravel Yourself Towards Change

Begin the process that will get you there.


  • Imagine the Possibilties
  • Break free from old ways

Natalia Kuna

Natalia Kuna is an Intuitive, Energy Healer, Spiritual Coach, Host of Spiritual Soul Podcast & Founder of Spiritual Course Academy, featuring online spiritual development courses & classes that educate, uplift & empower. Get calm, clear, protected & connected. Master your energy, open up your intuition, rise up & shine! Align back to SOUL. It is time.