Master Your Personal 1 Year
in Numerology

Your year has a frequency, with energy themes that influence and shape you on your soul's path.

This package is designed for you to both understand AND work with the energy, to gain incredible insight & master your year!

Grab this Ultimate Package!

☑️ Forecast Report - the main themes, opportunities & challenges in your personal year, based on your birthdate.

☑️ A Bunch of Awesome Bonuses - to help you align, connect & work with the energy (see below)! 

This Offer Includes:


Forecast Report

What to expect in your Personal Year. Key words, themes, challenges, guidance & tips.

PDF Download & Year Overview Video


Tarot Card Meaning

Deepen your insight. Contemplate the metaphysical meaning of the matching major arcana tarot card.

PDF Download


Workbook Journal

Reflect upon the themes to better prepare yourself & more fully understand what it means for you.

PDF Download


Energy Affirmations

Intuitive energy affirmations created to put you in the energy space of the year's frequency.

PDF Download & Audio of Affirmations with Frequency Activation


Crystals & Essential Oils

Spiritual Tools Bonus Guide.
Crystals & Essential Oils to support & activate you in your year.

PDF Download


Color Frequencies

Colors you can work with to activate the frequency and spiritually assist you in your year.

PDF Download & Video explanation.


Plus: Bonus Guided Meditation

A guided meditation specifically designed for the personal year's frequency and themes, to help you visualize, tune in & align with its specific energy vibration. Listen to enhance and activate the energy, open you up and awaken your consciousness to higher levels of understanding, potentiality and frequency. Natalia has added energy work into the meditation in the background and as she speaks with her 'energy voice', to further elevate the frequency. Use any time as a way to connect and lift yourself up.

Personal 1 Year Forecast Report + Bonuses

$35 USD
  • Master Your Year's Vibration

Buy Now

About the Forecast Report with the Year's Energy:

introduction to your personal year

An introduction to the flavour of the year to gain instant insight, open up your consciousness and get you started on your personal numerology journey.

Transitioning into the Personal Year

Insight into what this transitional period can feel like and what might be coming up in your consciousness to reflect on and explore in this in between phase.

key words

A list of key words of main themes for quick easy reference to get a taste of the year’s energy. The words are designed to activate your mind and open up keys in your consciousness.


The main themes of the year broken down into categories with detailed explanations for you to get a clear understanding of what to expect and work with.


A list of any potential challenges, problems and difficulties that might arise as a result of what the year’s energy is bringing in. And tips to help you through.


An intuitively written group of affirmations to help you attune & vibe to the year's energy, rise up to the higher vibration and attract the highest potential path.

Your Soul's Path Has an Energy Cycle

What Trends & Themes to Expect

Find out the vibration & meaning of your Personal Year, how it will influence you & what to expect as major trends & themes. See where you are in the current cycle of your life!


Understand the Opportunities & Challenges

Positive influences & potential difficulties & challenges, with tips to help you make sense of it all & move more consciously through the down periods.


How it Helps Your Human & Spiritual Path

Use as a personal or spiritual development tool to gain awareness, know what to expect, discover what may be hidden, be more prepared, align & approach more consciously. Knowledge is power!


Maximise the Energy

Learn how to grow, expand & maximize energy trends / vibratory influence for your own human & soul's growth & make it work for you.


Understand Your Year AND Work with the Energy

Align with the Frequency

The Process:

1. Understand the Energy

First, read all the information & really get a grasp of what the year has in store for you. Absorb the guidance, insight, utilize the workbook journal & begin the journey of intuiting & reflecting upon what it means for you personally.

2. Work with the Energy

Next, utilize all the bonus spiritual tools & mindset shifting to really connect with, step into, activate & work with the energy present in your life. Experience a shift in your life!

3. Master the Energy!

Get on top of it & consciously master the year! This is about aligning with the frequency& moving through your year more mindfully & energetically aligned. When you are in intuitive energetic resonance & harmony, you are one step ahead on your soul's evolutionary path.

Gain Insight into Your Personal Year

Understand the influence of the frequency shining on your soul's path. Examine what the year holds & consciously work with the energy!

$35 USD

  • Know Thyself
  • Explore Your Hidden Depths

Not in a Personal 1 Year ?

You can grab this offer for the other Personal Years 1-9

Don't Know Which Personal Year You are In?

No worries! I have your back. Find out so that you can purchase the correct Personal Year offer.

Natalia Kuna

Natalia Kuna is an Intuitive, Energy Healer, Spiritual Coach, Host of Spiritual Soul Podcast & Founder of Spiritual Course Academy, featuring online spiritual development courses & classes that educate, uplift & empower. Get calm, clear, protected & connected. Master your energy, open up your intuition, rise up & shine! Align back to SOUL. It is time.