$77 USD
Introductory Offer!

4 x 1-1.5hr Weekly Zoom Live Classes - March 2021

Each session is at the same time & day of the week, for 4 consecutive weeks.
However please note that Daylight Savings changes may affect your time zone any time during March or April, 
so you need to check each session time in the schedule before purchasing - just press the button below the arrow.


Melbourne (AU) Thu, 18 March at 12:30pm AEDT UTC+11 hours

New York (USA) Wed 17 March, 9:30pm EST UTC-5 hours 
 Los Angeles / Seattle (USA) Wed 17 March, 6:30pm PST UTC-8 hours

Reset Your Life!

Clear the Past, Reset the Present, Activate a New Future

You can reset at any time, and there is no better time than now!

Heal & uplift your vibration in the process.

Create an energetic shift!


I guide you on an intimate level through a step-by-step process & sacred journey to:

Are you ready to clear the energy of your life, gain clarity, activate, uplevel, break free, have break-throughs
& step into the 'New You' in a way that is embodied?


'Realize' what has been holding you back, blocking & affecting you. Dig deep to discover your old story & what you need to let go of in order to take the next steps.


Energy & release work (cord cutting, chakra clearing & more) & guided meditations. Release your 'old story' & any negative energy, blockages & patterns.


Gain crystal clear clarity on the 'new you' you are birthing and the 'new story' you are creating for your life.


Activate the energy theme for you personally this year, step into the 'new you' & 'new story' / vision you are birthing.


Embody the new you and your vision into your every day life.

Transform Your Story, Embrace Your Reset.

Live Your Best Life.


  • Would like to make some changes, whether small, minor adjustments or a major life overhaul.
  • Want to feel motivated and inspired, embark on a spiritual journey and connect back to your inner self and soul.
  • Feel like you need some guidance and direction along your path.
  • Have been feeling stuck, blocked, stagnant, lost, confused, unfocused, directionless, uncertain, blah or overwhelmed. 
  • Are repeating the same old beliefs, patterns habits and cycles and are not moving ahead.
  • Are affected by past / current people / experiences and want to release toxic energy weighing you down and holding you back, so you can climb the ladder up out of the fog.
  • Are willing to do the work and ready to discover what is needing to be cleared out of your way.
  • Want to redirect your focus, step into a higher version of yourself, raise your vibration, reclaim your power and upgrade to your true, authentic, more awakened higher self! 
  • Know you need to let go, create a new vision, hit the reset button and refresh your life!

Are you ready to clear the energy of your life, gain clarity, activate, uplevel, break free, have break-throughs
& step into the 'New You' in a way that is embodied?

Your Life, Your Destiny, Your Terms:

Reset, Reflect, Reimagine.


Video Lessons. Audio Recordings. Meditations. Visualizations. Energy Work. Intuitive Exercises.
PLUS: Comprehensive Workbooks.
The entire program is pre-recorded, allowing you to move through the steps at your own pace.

Video Lessons

Travel through the modules with Natalia on a spiritual journey of self discovery, as you navigate the empowering & enlightening step-by-step process.



Listen to guided meditations, visualisations & exercises. 


Workbooks & Worksheets

Downloadable resources. Powerful journaling, intuitive & self-reflection exercises. Tune into your soul to unload & process your thoughts & feelings so you can embody & integrate learnings & participate fully in the program.


Private Onboard Community

Join, share, ask & interact with Natalia & other likemindeds.





hrs of content








extra resources



Hit the Reset Button on Your Life!



MODULE 1: Introduction

The importance of staying in a state of mindset and intention.

What 'Reset' means + in the context of this course.

An introduction to the Reset journey of this program.

Find your inspiration to spark off your Reset journey.

An intuitive exercise to tap into the resonance of reset, and what it means for you personally, to prepare you for your intentions.

MODULE 2:  Realize

The meaning, power + importance of 'realizing' your stuff' + a summary of what this module is about.

The powerful esoteric meaning of 'realize + release,' as brought through intuitively from the angels.

You know that feeling of a pebble in your shoe, rock on your path, or boulder in your way? A talk about what this is and how it carries deeper messages for you.

The importance of digging deep,  'going down there' + journeying to the root of your problems in order to release + then come up the other side.

Discover + work through who the 'Old You' is + what 'Old Story' you are carrying that is weighing you down, blocking + stopping you from being who you truly are.

Intuitively connect with + assess your emotions while in safe space.

The importance of staying open, mindful + aware during the process of transition.

MODULE 3:  Release

Introduction to the module on releasing, where we do a lot of energy work.

Getting you in the right 'space' before we commence releasing.

A super powerful intuitive meditation where you sense the toxic energy of all your 'stuff,' intuitively scan, assess + record your energy state + palpably release it all.

Follow the guided meditation + have energy work done by Natalia to clear your chakras.

Natalia guides you through a process of clearing your old spiritual contracts with people + situations that you are done with.

In this guided meditation, Natalia takes you on a journey that is profoundly vivid, beautiful, extra sensory + healing. You'll be amazed.

MODULE 4:  Clarify

Introduction to the Clarify module.

Clarity is power. Get clear on the new you, your new story & new vision for your life.

Discover 3 powerful crystals that can help you gain focus & crystal clear clarity. 

A short meditation to clear all the excessive thoughts in your mind, to help you be in a more mindful, peaceful, clear state of mind.

Enter an appreciative, heart-centered space to feel upliftment + gratitude + gain a higher, positive perspective.

Upgrading is creating an energy shift, moving next level & mindfulness is key here.

Now that you have cleared the old you and your old story, it is time to get clear on the new you and your new story.

A meditation to envision the new you you are birthing.

Recognise & deal with any hanging hesitation, objections or fears that may be coming up to clear that path to clarity.

You will personally intuit a beautiful, meaningful, deeply felt theme word (or create a 2-3 word pyramid) for the year / current time / or whatever time period fits your intentions, to guide deeply you & act as a foundational energy base.

MODULE 5:  Activate

Introduction to the module on activating the energy of your intentions.

Intuitively feel how you have shrunk in your life, felt small + dimmed your light & begin the journey of expansion.

Consider the 'why' for your intentions to get further clear + reframe your desires.

Formulate powerful affirmative statements that actualise your intentions into reality.

Create a series of activating affirmations based on  your own personal intentions.

You are shown how to add energy to your activation / afirmative statement work.

It is time to activate + sync into the New You, grounding her in to be embodied.

Activate the vision you are creating for your life into reality.

A vivid visualisation to bring your word or word pyramind to life energetically.

We have cleared away any old + dated spiritual contracts, now it is time for a new contract for the new you, brought to you by the angels in a beautiful meditation.

A practical action plan to put your goals into action & set you off on your way.

MODULE 6:  Embody

Introduction to the module on embodying the energy of your intentions practically into your every day life.

Learn what embodiment is and how it relates to your reset.

Know that there is always a higher version available for you to step into.

Embody your intentions you are birthing on a daily level in order to materialize them.

An embodiemnt energy technique to bretahe the New You into yourself.

When you hold the vision in your mind, you hold your focuson what you are calling in.

The reset portal holds your focus on your desire. 

When we surrender we open ourselves up and hand it all over to the Divine.

A meditation to charge up and release your vision to the Divine.

Do at Your Own Pace

Complete program in your own time, at your own pace. 4-6 weeks is recommended, though it may be possible to finish earlier if you are super keen & dedicated. Lessons & workbooks must be done in order & not skipped. 

Keep & Repeat for Life

You can keep this course for life & repeat the whole program or any part of it either every year as a profound new year ritual, or any time you wish & feel like you need some motivation, clearing, soul connection, a reset + renewal.

Private Community

Join the onboard community for this program , here at Spiritual Course Academy. Share your thoughts, experiences, exercises, ask questions & interact with the instructor Natalia, as well as other like-mindeds on the spiritual journey.

Reset Your LIfe!

Activate the Change.


Create the SHIFT + UPGRADE!

What Customers are Saying about Reset:

"I very much enjoyed the course with Natalia. She provided a wealth of information via her workbooks. She has an uncanny way of taking in and responding to each person's comments in a personalized way. This course is a big bang for the buck. Highly recommend!"



"Thank you Natalia for providing an enlightening course. I thoroughly enjoyed it & appreciate how you want to help women improve themselves with the knowledge you have personally gained. You come from a place of truth & love & guide the course in a supportive & encouraging way, making each person feel heard & important. I'm so grateful I was guided to join" - Michelle

"Natalia, thank you. You have provided much insight. Your workbooks really guided me to focus on myself. I find I am staying true to me and letting go of the negative. This recipe allows me to give so much more love to everyone and everything. It is such an incredible feeling and blessing."  - Lynn Jones

More Student Comments

 "Good for all levels."
"You gave me permission."
"You have really untethered me in a beautiful way!” 
"You have so radically upped my spirit connection." 
"Reset helped so much to open me up."
"Reset was the tipping point of filling my cup up."

Natalia Kuna

Natalia Kuna is an Intuitive, Energy Healer, Spiritual Coach, Host of Spiritual Soul Podcast & Founder of Spiritual Course Academy, featuring online spiritual development courses & classes that educate, uplift & empower. Get calm, clear, protected & connected. Master your energy, open up your intuition, rise up & shine! Align back to SOUL. It is time.

Reset Your Life

$97 USD

  • Let the transformation begin!

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